Web design by Colin Millington                                                                                                                 Site sponsored by Barnston Conservation Society

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The Conservation Society was formed in 1984 and raises funds to promote the interests of the village in general whether that be for events or to oppose inappropriate developments in the village.

Membership of the Conservation Society costs £2.00 per annum per household, in addition to membership fees the Society holds various events throughout the year to augment funds. (follow the 'Events' link above or click HERE)

The Conservation Societey's most important contribution to village life has been the successful  campaign to prevent  'Aldi'  routing  as many as fifty 44 tonne HGV's per day through Barnston village and consequently through the extremely narrow part of Barnston Dip.  This campaign although draining on finances was vindicated with the Council erecting restriction otices to HGV's at Thingwall Corner & Devon Doorway

Left.  Committee members pose in celebration for 'Chester Chronicle


The other major event organised by the society was the Millenium fete to celebrate the year 2000

Gypsy wagon Hobby horses

Above.  Scenes from the Millenium fete